The Legal 500 2020: the firm improves its positions
On 15 April, the world’s largest industry observer, The Legal 500, published the results of its annual research. The firm managed to maintain positions in six categories gained in last year’s ranking, while moving up one tier in two: ‘Commercial, Corporate and M&A’ and ‘Dispute Resolution: Litigation’.
Tier II
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Recommended lawyers: Khristofor Ivanyan and Mark Rovinskiy
Restructuring and Insolvency
Recommended lawyers: Alexey Kozyakov — Next generation partner, Sergey Chuprygin, Vasily Torkanovskiy, and Khristofor Ivanyan
Tier III
Commercial, Corporate and M&A
Recommended lawyers: Maria Miroshnikova and Khristofor Ivanyan
Dispute Resolution: Litigation
Recommended lawyers: Alexey Kozyakov, Sergey Chuprygin, Vasily Torkanovskiy, and Khristofor Ivanyan
Tier IV
Banking and Finance: Borrower side
Recommended lawyers: Daria Semenikhina and Dmitry Kuzmin
Energy and Natural Resources
Recommended lawyers: Maria Miroshnikova, Yuri Arkhipov, and Sergei Kushnarenko
Real Estate and Construction
Recommended lawyers: Alexander Milosavlevich and Alexey Kozyakov
Recommended lawyers: Dmitry Mikhailov and Mark Rovinskiy